Sunday night I returned from Fort Wayne, Indiana, and the Federation of Genealogical Societies conference, FGS 2013: Journey Through Generations. Wow! I'm still trying to absorb and organize all the great information I gleaned during the week, and all the literature I picked up at the Exhibit Hall.
Blogging during the conference sounded like a good idea before I got there, but once I was in the thick of it, I was too busy, too overwhelmed, and by the end of each day, too exhausted to make much sense. Even after a margarita. Instead I'm taking a retrospective approach, and discussing a few conference-related topics in the next few posts.
Should You Attend A Genealogy Conference?
My criteria for attending my first conference were:
- have I been working at genealogy long enough to gain from the conference?
- how far away is it?
- what will it cost me?
Now after 6 months of reading and researching online, I spotted the FGS 2013 opportunity and felt I could learn a lot at a big conference. The venue was only a 3 hour drive north of Cincinnati, and driving is my preferred low cost mode of transport.
So then the hardest question: could I afford this? The conference fees were about $190 for 4 days. Hotel? Well, I'm a Motel 6 kind of person, and Fort Wayne's Motel 6 had a weekly rate of $27/day. I decided to make this my main vacation for the year, plus the business conference I used to attend in July was discontinued so I was saving money there. Yes, I registered!
For my future conferences, I would change the first criterion to "What can I gain from this conference?" Various types of conferences, meetings, and workshops are held all year long, lasting from one day to a week. The levels of education vary, too.
How long did you wait to attend a genealogy conference? Please chime in below in the comments!
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